Most Americans seem pretty content with believing everything they were taught in school about the moon landings. But a professor …
For decades, people around the world have reported sightings of strange unidentified flying objects. Some of them allegedly had colorful …
Captured by pilot Lou Boyer from the cockpit of a Boeing 747, shocking footage of a passenger plane leaving a …
From the world of unexplained phenomena: Is it possible to almost supernaturally brainwash people to such an extent that they …
Another horrific incident has occurred in London where a 24-story building that functioned as public housing to some 600 people …
Something big is about to break in the world and NASA is systematically covering it up. What is hiding in …
In a follow up to Monday’s incredible admission that he was involved with murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, …
The story involving the alleged leaking of sensitive Democratic National Committee emails to WikiLeaks by murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich …
In recent years, the United States has produced some of the most advanced technology the world has ever seen. We …
What is being described as a UFO “megaship” was caught on video by cameras aboard the International Space Station (ISS), …
Extrasensory perception, or ESP as it is commonly known, is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as “perception that occurs independently …
New research suggests that some children who have been diagnosed as falling on the autism spectrum may actually possess telepathic …
The beleaguered Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently posted over 12 million pages of previously declassified material on its “CIA Records Search Tool database.” …
Rumors circulating in the conspiracy theory blogosphere that President Vladimir Putin of Russia has sent a warning to Donald Trump …