Supposedly, 13 million Americans (or around five percent of our population) had undergone a near-death experience (NDE) by 1992, with …
From the world of unexplained phenomena: Is it possible to almost supernaturally brainwash people to such an extent that they …
The private passenger plane carrying a New York businesswoman and her family has gone missing. After spending Mother’s Day in …
Former law enforcement officer and founder of the CanAm Missing project, David Paulides believes that around 1,600 people who have …
There may be good reason for your curiosity if you have ever wondered about what is really going on at …
An individual who is in a “locked in state,” reports ZDnet.com, is one who remains fully mentally active, but has lost …
Extrasensory perception, or ESP as it is commonly known, is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as “perception that occurs independently …
New research suggests that some children who have been diagnosed as falling on the autism spectrum may actually possess telepathic …
In June, 2014, as reported by the National Catholic Reporter, an independent group of 250 Catholic priests, collectively known as …
Article by Paul Schroeder Sometimes, after abductions, the inter-dimensional door, left open, invites in the “gangster fringe” element of the …
That the idea of demonic possession is closely associated with religion is no great revelation. (Article by Stewart James Felker) …
Each December, Sonny LeRay makes his predictions for the following year. Although his predictions are wrong half of the time, …
Are women more psychic than men? Not according to MIT-trained scientist Pete Sanders.[1] “Women may appear to be more psychic …